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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I would echo Tim Ireland's view that Iain Dale is a pseudo-blogger

I would echo Tim Ireland's view that Iain Dale is a pseudo-blogger

Madame Gypsy Rose Dale looked into his crystal balls and murmurmed "Pity he never thought about the human right to live of the woman he killed, eh?".

A clouded judgement formed by prejudice, ignorance and fear.

Unlike the unrepentant Lord Archer I accepted my guilt, and addressed the issues of the human life I took. This included my having to think about the woman I killed. I accept it was a breach of her human right to life. I accept the court judgment upon me, albeit, in my view, I feel it was lacking in justice. There were mitigating factors which should have attracted a more lenient sentence. I accept that the factor of perceived dangerousness led to the state overreacting in the same way with its victim, your's truly, that I overreacted with my victim Mrs Bronia Burton.

Tear a fag packet in half and you cannot just put it back together again. The same with taking a human life, the damage physically is irreparable. That is a fact. It is a pity.

I don't pity Iain Dale, he has brought this upon himself. He decided to be the moral judge over an offence I committed over 30 years ago. The fact that he has no lawful authority whatsoever to do this abuse of my human right does not appear to bother him. On this issue he has no conscience. His own morals or lack of them are now in question.

That is what I find despicable about Iain Dale. I don't say he is despicable full stop like he claims I am. I find his conduct as a so-called leading political blogger despicable. He failed to research the topic before employing his fingertips. There is no law saying he cannot blog a post "Parliament Should Decide on Prisoners' Voting Rights - Not Judges".

Here the individual is not against the state, but the individual versus the individual. It's jungle law. Iain Dale has stepped into my jungle. It's my law. It's my politics. I am Tarzan he Jane. I am the King of the Jungle. I don't decree off with his head like The White Queen in Malice in Blunderland. Rather, I see him hung by his own petard.

I have the Minister of Justice by the balls and squeeze them like an executive might squeeze a stress ball. Therefore, in the big scheme of things Iain Dale is of very little significance. I made history in Europe and the rest of the World, that must really get up Iain Dale's nose. I am famous for The Prisoners Votes Case, not for killing my landlady (that was local news one day, may be a little bit in the tabloids on Sunday, and then fish and chips wrapper). That's a fact of life. Some people have difficulty accepting this. What Iain Dale says and thinks about me, The Prisoners Votes Case, Parliament and the Judges, is not number one political blogging.

I am a real political blogger not a pseudo-blogger. I have stolen Iain Dale's crown. I suspect I will need to have some of the band removed so it fits my head snugly.

There is an irony here. It is said that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Remember all that fuss with Iain Dale being the hypocrite and a liar over his blog posts and 18DS where he did not even have the decency to empty chair me? Have I got news for you, the prisonguru has left a comment on Iain Dale's post. First, he visited my blog and is a regular reader, his comments about Iain Dale and his blog are funny. I know prisonguru to be a serving prisoner using his mobile phone to gain internet access from his cell.

I am all for prisoners having internet access. Blogging goes into prison. The deadtree press Inside Time also gives my blog publicity. Iain Dale is caught up in my revolution. Paul Foot wrote Words As Weapons. Iain Dale has been beaten in the war of words. He picked a topic where I am the Master and he but a mere student. I appreciate his support for my cause. He hasn't realised it yet but the disservice has been turned around to our advantage. The legality of the next election rests upon Parliament granting prisoners the franchise. Game, set and match.

N.B. Originally posted as a comment on this thread at Bob Piper's (if he let it through comment moderation)

1 comment:

Barnacle Bill said...

Watch it, Mrs. Dale will be after you with her handbag!
I would say that since Mrs. Dale egged up her site she has gone all chinzy and WI on us all.
I wonder if she is going thru that time of life?
But keep the good fight up John.