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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

'Urgent' changes needed at prison

'Urgent' changes needed at prison

The prisons inspector has called for "urgent" changes to be made at a jail in west London.

Anne Owers said conditions at Wormwood Scrubs in Hammersmith had deteriorated since her last inspection.

Her report said 20% of prisoners given mandatory drugs tests failed them, which had led to gang activity.

The prison had been at the centre of a scandal over abuse of inmates by guards but the inspection found no evidence of an abusive or negative staff culture

A Hat-Tip to Barnacle Bill for finding me this piece, whilst I was otherwise engaged in my birthday party celebrations.


Anonymous said...

Is the Inspector affiliated to Nulabor as are 'Inspectors' in Elderly Care ?

Anonymous said...

i would have more faith if the inspectors had noticed the brutality at scrubs the first time...