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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What a plonker

What a plonker

Sharia law should be introduced into legal system, says leading barrister

A leading barrister has said that Sharia law should be incorporated into the English legal system, it has been reported

“Given our substantial Muslim population, it is vital that we look at ways to integrate Muslim culture into our traditions. Otherwise we will find that there is a significant section of our society which is increasingly alienated, with very dangerous results".

If Muslims come over here the onus is upon them to change to our way of living, not for us to change to their way of living. Changing our laws to suit them is not them integrating. Recently, under Sharia law a 13 year old girl was raped by three Muslim men and she was charged with infidelity and stoned to death. This idiot barrister needs to see a psychiatrist!


Merkin said...

'Recently, under Sharia law a 12 year old girl was raped by three Muslim men and she was charged with infidelity and stoned to death. This idiot barrister needs to see a psychiatrist!'

Terrible crime.
However, it seems to have been a setup.
Plenty to Google there.

If not, I will supply the links that make a bit of sense of it.

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly that people living in this country should abide by its laws or leave!

This "nanny" state is stumbling along with no common sense whatsoever.

The "Great" has long gone from "Britain".

Anonymous said...

Does the barrister envisage two tier prison systems alongside two tier laws and legal systems within Britain's ancient heritage ?

Integration - when in Rome - is based upon respect for that which exists, not 'upending' it !!!

Does the barrister respect the laws of foreign countries he visits, or does he expect to impose his 'own laws' on arrival ?