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Friday, February 15, 2008

George W Bush is a terrorist and should be impeached

George W Bush is a terrorist and should be impeached

The BBC may be congratulating itself on its Matt Frei interview with George W Bush, parts of which were shown last night on both BBC 1 10 O'Clock News and BBC 2 Newsnight. However, I smell a rat and it stinks to high heaven. Matt Frei was feeding lines to George W Bush like a comedy double act and George W Bush delivered the punchlines from a pre-arranged script. Only it wasn't funny. He was being given the opportunity at the TV Licence payers expense to get his message across. It was pure propaganda. People may remember it was not that long ago, under Margaret Thatcher, that members of Sinn Féin/IRA being interviewed would have their voices over dubbed by the voices of actors. Admittedly, at the time, I thought that this was a pointless exercise. But, the point I am making is that Sinn Féin/IRA were deemed to be terrorists. George W Bush claims to be fighting a war against terrorists. And yet, since 9/11, he has been acting like a terrorist himself. In my view, George W Bush should be impeached. The BBC should not be touching him with a barge pole let alone giving him the air time to pollute people with his garbage.

The BBC interview lasted just over 15 minutes and I have provided a link to it below. Fast forward it to 11 minutes and 39 seconds. Firstly, there is something wrong with the American Constitution if it gives a mad man like George W Bush the power "to veto a bill passed by the US Senate outlawing the interrogation technique of water-boarding". Let us make no mistake water-boarding is a form of torture, and torture is against the law in America. Matt Frei did not conduct a balanced interview and the BBC did not provide a balanced report, George W Bush's answers went unchallenged. There should be an inquiry into the BBC's conduct.

George W Bush stated that "Whatever we do will be legal". Torture is not legal, waterboarding is torture, it is not legal. There is an obvious conflict in what George W Bush is stating and yet the BBC let this go unchallenged. In fact, George W Bush used the term legal or law 7 times to describe what his regime will do. However, in an attempt to justify his breaking the law, he first blamed the American people for wanting effective measures for dealing with terrorists. So, his answer to them and the rest of the world is only by breaking the law can the American government be effective against terrorism and terrorists. This is like Dwain Chambers stating only those who illegally take dope can win Olympic medals. That makes it alright then does it? And, terrorists state that only by breaking the law can they achieve their aims. This means that there is no difference between what the terrorists advocate and what George W Bush advocates, therefore he is a terrorist. He is putting himself and his government above the law or outside of the law whichever way you choose to look at it it is not within the law. What George W Bush is stating when he says "When we within the law interrogate", he is really saying because we are in power we can use torture and that makes it legal. I beg to differ. This is a classic abuse of power and not use of power. This is like Hitler saying we can gas 6,000,000 jews etc because we are in power and that allows us to do whatever we like to push through our policy of effectively achieving the Master Race. As long as it was happening to a sub human species the Germans, like Americans, buried their heads in the sand. The Bush regime first dehumanised the terrorists and those they suspected of terrorist activity to justify their treatment of them. The kidnapping of foreign nationals and detaining them without charge and trial for years on end in Guantánamo Bay is unlawful. To add insult to injury these people were physically and psychologically tortured by the Bush regime.

"And we get information that protects ourselves and possibly other nations". But, America isn't being attacked and hasn't been attacked since 9/11. So, its alright to torture possibly innocent people until they confess to whatever charges the interrogators put to them? Who wouldn't say whatever to end the torture? This does not make them guilty of anything. His answer to his critics "Which attack would they hope we hadn't prevented". Climate of fear. This is a weapon of terrorists. Here it is being employed by the Bush regime. "So, the United States will act within the law". The problem is that the United States is not acting within the law on this issue. Wake up and smell the coffee. "We'll make sure the professionals have the necessary tools to do the job within the law". The Bush regime uses the CIA and Military (professionals), in effect, get on with the job, we don't care how you do it we just want results and we won't question your methods. This is called administrative convenience, and often it comes into conflict with the law. What Bush is doing is employing the broken record technique. If he repeats the saying within the law enough times he hopes that the American people will become hypnotised into believing what he is saying is the truth. Have they already forgotten Richard Milhouse Nixon and Watergate. Would they buy a used car from him? So, why are they buying George W Bush's Terrorgate? He claims that he is "sending a signal that America is going to respect the law". That's not the signal I am picking up on this side of the Atlantic George. Your language says this but your actions are the complete opposite. That makes you both a liar and a hypocrite. Moreover, it makes you dangerous and you should be removed from office. "We'll make decisions based upon law". Ok George, I'm a lawyer of sorts, you've made a decision to torture people whom you suspect of terrorist activity, can you now point to the place in your law books that states torture is legal in the States? "There's people in Guantánamo that need to be tried and will be tried". So, after 5,6,7 years you've reached this decision. Have you not heard of the legal principle 'justice delayed is justice denied'? And, there is such a thing as due process and this includes a fair trial. Not the torturing of suspects, and then putting them before a kangaroo court to create the impression that you are acting within the law.

When someone shakes their head they are indicating a negative, saying "no" to a question. George Bush did this when he said "yes" he believed that America held the high moral ground. There is no moral high ground in this swamp of immoral and illegal activity. George you are not wearing a suit of green, you're as naked as the day you were born.

BBC interview with George W Bush.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, you know how to tell when George is lying, don't you?

Yeah! You got it! Its when you can see or hear him!