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Sunday, February 17, 2008

These catch-all terror laws are killing off British justice

These catch-all terror laws are killing off British justice

"Slowly, oh so slowly, Britain’s judges are rescuing Britain’s values from the depths to which Tony Blair and his home secretaries plunged them in the knee-jerk response to terrorism. The acts passed by Jack Straw, David Blunkett and Charles Clarke from 2000 onwards did not create a British Guantanamo Bay, but they did signal a shocking collapse in British justice. The present home secretary, Jacqui Smith, wants to further that collapse".


white rabbit said...

Says it all really...

Mind you, the Court of Appeal is not always a bastion of liberties. It ruled 2-1 that evidence induced by torture was receivable in British courts. Neuberger's dissenting judgeent is well worth a read.

white rabbit said...

judgement even...