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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Osama Bin London convicted of terrorist related offences

Osama Bin London convicted of terrorist related offences

Osama Bin London made the mistake of camping out in the New Forest and attending a Berkshire paintballing centre, apparently these once innocent activities are now deemed to be offences under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, particularly if you are a Muslim.


Julie said...

Probably only if you are Muslim.

Anonymous said...

Roy Chubby Brown once said.....

I'm not saying that all muslims are terrorists. But why are all Terrorists muslim?

Thats a fair point. We are not talking about the normal person. We are talking about extremists.
Who wish to harm innocent people of any faith.

Anonymous said...

yes, I am sure these little cub scouts were just having innocent fun down the paintballing range.

Too bad they couldn't get a jury to believe it. Couldn't Prosecute Satan (CPS) actually got a conviction.

But I'm sure you all know best.