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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Labour's smacking laws could be 'unworkable'

Labour's smacking laws could be 'unworkable'

"Senior judges want parents who are taken to court for smacking their children to be treated leniently.

A mother or father who does not intend to hurt their child should get only light sentences, new advice for the courts is expected to say.

The recommendations could make Labour's laws on smacking effectively unworkable

What utter bollocks!

This makes me so angry.

Violence against children is not acceptable in a so-called civilised society.

The whole purpose of hitting a child is to hurt the child, therefore the intent was to hurt the child, the necessary element which makes it a criminal offence.

Parliament removed the defence of reasonable chastisement because some parents were unable to control themselves when inflicting pain upon a child and went overboard leaving marks upon the child and then claiming it was reasonable.

It is trying to make a mockery of the law, and Lord Phillips should know better, to advise that judges ignore the will of Parliament. If Lord Philips is in favour of violence towards children, perhaps he should be removed from his post until he has been seen by a psychiatrist and it is decided that he is no longer a danger to society, particularly, to children?


Anonymous said...

My dad used to give me the leather belt when I was a kid, and I deserved it in a lot of cases. It stopped me going off the rails and taught me respect. THIS IS WHAT IS MISSING TODAY - PARENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHASTISE THEIR CHILDREN.

Kids know that they can do just what they like with no fear of retribution. This is why coppers don't want to tackle kids on the streets these days, fear of being pulled up for "assault". Let me give you a case study, and it is true...

I have a friend who is in his eighties, he likes to take his dog for a walk around the estate. On a couple of occasions he had been followed by a pack of 14-15 year old feral kids shouting abuse at him and throwing small bricks at his dog. They got away with it for a couple of nights until one evening I happened to be at my kitchen window and I saw what they were doing.

I went out and shouted at the thugs to leave off and got a mouthload of abuse back. They shouted at me that I was not allowed to lay a hand on them otherwise they would report me to the police for assault. I went inside and got a camera to record their actions, I was then called a "pervert" and they screamed at me that it was against the law to take photographs without their permission. Having had a gutful of this smart-arsed abuse I went up to the chap with the biggest mouth, got hold of him by his hair and gave him a fuckin' hard slap round the face with the flat of my hand and pushed him away, he fell flat on his arse in the mud.

Of course I then got a further barrage of abuse from the big mouthed little twat so I picked him up by his hair again and run him around the corner and told him to fuck off back home to his kennel.

Hurt him? Yes, it hurt him. Bearing in mind he and his cronies had driven my old mate almost to the brink of a heart attack it probably didn't hurt him half enough.

Funny, I never had any comeback from this incident and my old mate never had any more gip from these little pratts.

MORAL: some young people need to be shown how to respect people. You can't always try to be nice to some kids, especially feral kids in gangs.

PS and for the record, if I thought that my own kids needed a slap to get them in line I would do so regardless of any friggin' law.

Anonymous said...

It still makes my blood boil to remember that incident.