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Friday, February 29, 2008

Saving Prince Harry

Saving Prince Harry

Steven Spielberg has announced that he is to direct a new film called Saving Prince Harry. The blockbuster movie is about a poor little rich boy who has a fantasy about being an ordinary person who wanted to go to war as an ordinary soldier. The boy's dream had a sense of reality about it, when his powerful grandmother pulled strings for him to fly to Afghanistan so that he could be near some real soldiers. But the enemy, the media, closed in on the boy and like Steve McQueen, he jumped on his motorbike to make The Great Escape. For he is no ordinary boy at all, no ordinary soldier, he is Prince Harry, 3rd in line to the throne in a crumbling British Empire, and the Army high command must save him from further embarrassment...

"Following a detailed assessment of the risks by the operational chain of command, the decision has been taken by Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Strap, Chief of Defence Staff, in consultation with General Sir Richard Donought, Chief of the General Staff, to withdraw Prince Harry from Afghanistan immediately.

"This decision has been taken primarily on the basis that the worldwide media coverage of Prince Harry in Afghanistan could impact on the security of those who are deployed there, as well as the risks to him as an individual soldier

Prince Harry is reported to be disappointed that he will no longer be able to play football behind the lines, and will have to return the Queen's Shilling for failing to carry out his mission. But all is not lost, he will be awarded The Single White Feather for outstanding cowardice in the face of the enemy.

UPDATE: Obsolete has an exclusive photo showing that Harry met Camilla while in Afghanistan. Once again somebody else was riding her...


GingerSnaps said...

Once again somebody else was riding her...

LOL! My laughter just caused a disturbance in the office...

jailhouselawyer said...

Hi Ginger: You've got to laugh. I think the whole thing is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that being in Afghanistan is a joke?

jailhouselawyer said...

anonymous: The media claims that Prince Harry is fighting the enemy is a joke. The place for a toy soldier is in a box under the bed.

Anonymous said...

But this is the usual media rubbish. I am sure that active service is no joke and the men and women out in Afghanistan dont think so.

I think the media lose sight of the facts and we know it's all about grabbing the attention.

They are all brave people out there. The case for it, well thats another issue.

jailhouselawyer said...

anonymous: "They are all brave people out there". Save for Prince Harry. We should not pander to the whims of the Royals.

Anonymous said...

I must admit I like the Royals but in a combat situation no one should have special treatment.

If a Royal joins the armed forces, they should do their duty.
Looking at the past 5 years of conflict I find it hard to believe that his envolvement could cause so much trouble to the other soldiers.