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Friday, February 15, 2008

Why British injustice is the best in the world

Why British injustice is the best in the world

I was disturbed to learn on Newsnight last night that even though this man has been cleared by the British courts of any terrorist involvement in training the pilots of the 9/11 attacks, there remains an outstanding international arrest warrant seeking his extradition to the USA.

In the same way that the Twin Towers collapsed, Bush's war against terror has collapsed because the foundations upon which it was based is on very shaky legal ground.

What is disturbing about this case, is the claim by the Crown Prosecution Service that they were not representing the people of this country Great Britain whom they are supposed to represent, rather the CPS was representing the USA or at least the Bush regime. And, we know what a load of terrorist torturing bastards they are. Luckily for Mr Raissi British injustice began for him prior to Britain and America signing the Extradition treaty of 2003, otherwise he could well have been detained in Guantanamo Bay and if ever brought to trial could have been executed and not a shred of evidence being produced.

This case should be a wake up call to Great Britain to shake off its underdog role to America and the Bush regime. However, having heard the perverse comments made by Melanie Fibs on Questiontime last night where she claimed to speak with greater authority than the Court of Appeal who's decision to quash the convictions of so-called terrorists she labelled as being perverse. Who the fuck does this cow think she is?

Speaking of which, when does Jacqui Smith intend to formally and publicly apologise to Mr Raissi for the abuse he has suffered at the hands of the injustice within our legal system?


Devonshire Dumpling said...

jailhouselawyer said...

DD: I tried the link and Google only gave me this message; "Your search - - did not match any documents".

Don't you know how to put a link in the comments so it works? If not, I can show you how its done.

Devonshire Dumpling said...

jailhouselawyer said...


" No results found for .

However, there are results from websites with similar addresses:
London bombs justify 'torture', says Bush | World news | The Guardian
President George Bush cites July 7 bombings in London to justify his support for interrogation technique widely regarded as torture. - 20 hours ago - Similar pages".
The similar one is the one Google claims it could not find! As it happens, I read it this morning, but thanks anyway.

BTW, that is not a link that you are providing. I can show you easily how to insert a proper link if you are interested?

Devonshire Dumpling said...

might be a good idea! I can link on my own blog but not seemingly in answers I share. Bring it on!

jailhouselawyer said...

DD: I have sent you an email how to use the hyperlink. Just replace the text between the quotation marks with the url and then remove your text here and insert the word link or whatever words you want to use. Save the email I have forwarded in your documents, and you can use it again whenever it suits you.