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Friday, August 01, 2008

Police may abandon murder inquiry in Jersey

Police may abandon murder inquiry in Jersey

Isn't it a bit premature to think of abandoning a murder inquiry at the Jersey children's home?

I would have thought there must be records of children arriving at the home? If this is the case, then surely they can investigate to discover what became of the children from that point on? Then, may be, those that simply vanished from the records or recorded explanations which don't stand up to further investigation might produce the names of potential victims?


Anonymous said...

A Report on the abuse children suffered in the Jersey Home was shown to TV viewers when the case opened. It was the Report handed to the authorities at the outset which they chose to ignore. A male Social Worker who reported the abuse was summarily sacked.

It was reported on TV and the press that the horrendous abuse of children in care was known and allowed to continue, including deaths and disposals, to save Jersey's reputation.

Identical behaviour to that in the McCanns case. An ongoing "fight" to keep the facts out of the public arena. Eddie & Keela were despatched to make the grim discoveries in Jersey following their confirmation of Madeleine's death in her parents' apartment.
Social Services are clearly turning 'a blind eye' to Madeleine's plight in addition to the Jersey horrors.

Anonymous said...

jailhouselawyer - online article in today's (Sat) Guardian by investigative journalist gives the reasons why. Findings not to 'Establishment's' liking, it appears, Detective running the case received threats of having his house burnt down etc. Likewise, Goncalo Amaral's dog was killed for his 'findings' on Madeleine's behalf.

It seems adults' reputations are judged more important than the suffering and deaths of innocent children in both cases.